
  • English Language Print Edition

    Title: An Introduction to Web Design and Programming

    Authors: Paul S. Wang and Sanda Katila

    ISBN: 0534395287

    Publisher: Brooks/Cole, Thompson Learning, Pacific Grove, CA, USA

    English Language Reprint Edition

    Title: An Introduction to Web Design and Programming

    Authors: Paul S. Wang and Sanda Katila

    ISBN: 7-04-015542-7

    Publisher: Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社)

    Available: 2004-08

    Chinese Translation Edition

    书名: Web设计与编程导论(翻译版)

    作者: Paul S. Wang著,邱仲潘译

    ISBN: 7-04-015904-X

    出版社: 高等教育出版社

    In Other University

    US: Cornell University

    US: Stony Brook University

    US: Kent State University

    Book Description

    ★★★★★Five-Stars-Plus Book

    Combining viewpoints from a Department of Computer Science (Paul Wang) and a School of Visual Communication Design (Sanda Katila), this innovative book covers the design and technology aspects of Web site development in an integrated manner.

    About the Author

    Sanda Katila is Associate Professor in the School of Visual Communication Design at Kent State University. She has taught all levels of design in the program, including Introduction to Graphic Design, Introduction to Typography, and senior level courses such as TypoPhoto Illustration, Basic Computer, and Issues for Graphic Design Businesses. Sanda freelances on a regular basis and her clients include Azica Records, Brecksville Chamber of Commerce, and Enterprise Information Services. She earned her BFA from University of Akron and her MFA from Kent State University. In her professional service as a graphic designer, Sanda has worked for Stern Advertising, Society Corporation, The Arnold Corporation, and David A. Meeker and Associates.