WDP : Schoolwork 01

  • Essay Question:

    1).what is HTML?

    2).what is HTTP?

    3).What is the difference between Internet,WWW and Web?


    1). The strength of the web lies in its openness,speed,and low cost of entry. Enabling technologies for the web include networking protocols, data encoding formats,clients(browsers),servers,web page markup and styling languages,and client-side and server-side programming. The web cab deliver text,images,animation,audio,video,and other multimedia content. Standard and proprietary media formats tools,and players are also part of the web. These technologies are still developing and improving. The World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) is a nonprofit organization leading the way in developing open Web standards.

    2). Web pages are usually written in HTML, which can markup content and supply hyperlinks using partial and full URLs. Web pages are placed under Web servers and become available on the web. Commercial hosting companies provide hosts and servers to serve Web pages online.