Offered by Department CS at XXX University, this course introduces Web concepts and teaches the creation of Web pages. The hands-on course is designed for learning through doing. Computer science, programming, visual communication, graphic design, networking, and application aspects of Web publishing will be covered. Students take this course to learn how to design and create web pages as part of a team.

This course is part of the WDP major in the CS department. Students should use this course website regularly during the semester. Course notes, announcements, discussions and helpful resources are all available here.

01 Introduction

  • STEP 1:Internet Pioneers
    J.C.R. Licklider 、Larry Roberts、Tim Berners-Lee

    STEP 2:History of Web
    Generalized Markup Language
    Standard Generalized Markup Language
    HyperText Markup Language
    eXtensible Markup Language

    STEP 3:Web1.0 vs Web2.0

    STEP 4:What is Web 2.0?
    (1) IM:Instant Messenger
    (2) Blog:Weblog
    (3) Podcasting
    (4) P2P:peer-to-peer
    (5) SNS:Social Network Service
    (6) Wiki
    (7) Bookmark
    (8) RSS:Really Simple Syndication / Rich Site Summary
    (9) Ajax:Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

    STEP 5:Web standards
    (1) Structure
    (2) Presentation
    (3) Behavior