WDP : Examination Outline

  • 考试方式:笔试(全英文 开卷)





    (1)Web Basics and Overview (5’)

    Network, Internet, Domain Name System, Web

    (2)Creating Web Pages: XHTML (15’)

    HTML, Elements and Entities, XHTML , Text Fonts, Color, Lists, Hyperlinks, Images

    (3)Advanced XHTML (15’)

    Character Encoding, Tables, Frames, Page Checking and Validation

    (4)Design Basics(10’)

    Design and Perception, Elements of Design, Emphasis, Focal Point and Hierarchy

    (5)Information Architecture, Page Layout, and Typography (5’)

    Layout, Website Architectures, Information Architecture, Client Identity. Organizational Framework. Typography Basics. Families of Type. Choosing Type. Spacing Type. Layout Grids

    (6)Controlling Page Style: Cascading Style Sheets (15’)

    CSS, A Navigation Bar, Setting Margin, Border, and Padding, Borders, Positioning, Background Images, List and Other Style Properties, Styled Buttons, CSS and Page Layout

    (7)Color and Graphics (10’)

    Color Theory in Print. Meaning of Color. Color and Readability. Color on Computers. What is Gamma. Color Models and Color Encoding. Color Palettes. Image Encoding Formats. We Samples Color Critique. Color Application

    (8)Forms and Form Processing (5’)

    What is a Form?. A Historical Note. Form Basics. Text Input. User Selections. Submit Buttons. File Uploading. Other input Elements. Tabbing Order. Form Layout. HTTP Basics. HTTP Message Format. CGI Overview. Outline of a CGI Program. Getting Started with CGI Programming. Deploying CGI Programs. CGI Example: Club Membership. CGI Environment Variables. Data Received on the Server-Side. Content Length.

    (9)Client-Side Scripting: JavaScript (5’)

    Getting Started. Embedding Javascript in a Web Page. A Brief History of Javascript. Rollovers. Preloading Images. Active Navigation Bars. Matching Patterns. Patterns. Javascript Objects. Windows. Creating User Interactions. A Conversion Calculator. Form Checking. Menu Actions. Events and Event Objects. Scrolling Text. Testing and Debugging. For More Information.

    (10)Document Object Model and Dynamic HTML (5’)

    What is DOM?. A Demonstration. DOM History and Architecture. Browser Support of DOM. DOM API Overview. Getting Started with DOM. The DOM Node Interface. DOM Tree Depth-First Traversal. The DOM HTMLElement Interface. HTMLElement Fields and Methods. A Guided Form. Fade-in Headlines. The DOM HTMLDocument Interface. Generating New Content. A Smart Form. Reordering Rows in Tables. A Tic-Tac-Toe Game. Windows and Frames. A Code Experimenter. DHTML Access to Web Services.

    (11)XML (5’)

    What is XML? How can XML be Used? XML Syntax Rules, XML Encoding, XML Elements, XML Attributes, XML Namespaces

    (12)RssAndAjax (5’)

    What Is a Cookie? Xml and rss, Ajax